Christof Meerwald wrote:
> does SQLite have anything similar to PostgreSQL's cidr data type (see
> I would be particularly interested in being able to use a "contained in"
> operator in selects - in PostgreSQL you are able to do:
>   select inet '' << cidr '';
> What would be the preferred way to do it in SQLite?
> Currently, I am thinking of storing start and end IP addresses as a blob in
> the database - that way I would be able to use the "between" operator in
> selects, e.g.
>   select X'c0a81234' between X'c0a80000' and X'c0a8ffff';
> Are there any other/better ideas?

I would store the IP addresses, network addresses, and subnet width as 
integers. Then create a few custom function to manipulate them.

You will need functions to convert between integer and standard dotted 
quad text format. You will also need a function to do the containedIn 
range check.

This last function can be implemented using bit manipulation operators 
in SQL or in a custom function in C.

    containedIn(ip_addr, network_addr, network_size)

can be replaced by

    nework_addr == (ip_addr & (-1 << network_size))

which will be true if the IP address is in the network.

This can be done in a custom function as well which may be more efficient.

Dennis Cote

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