On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 15:59:14 -0600, Dennis Cote wrote:
> Christof Meerwald wrote:
>> Currently, I am thinking of storing start and end IP addresses as a blob in
>> the database - that way I would be able to use the "between" operator in
>> selects, e.g.
>>   select X'c0a81234' between X'c0a80000' and X'c0a8ffff';
> I would store the IP addresses, network addresses, and subnet width as 
> integers. Then create a few custom function to manipulate them.

Ok, that would work for IPv4 addresses, but if I ever wanted to use IPv6
addresses, then I would have to go back to using blobs - as integers are
limited to 64 bits in SQLite.



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