A few things that confused me in my (still ongoing) learning.
  1. Bindings, in that the bind needed to be perfomed each and every time.
  2. Transactions, the begin vs begin immediate. Coming from a database 
background I assumed the begin started the transaction but did not...
  3. Locking, SQLITE_BUSY waiting.
  4. Page size pragma having  to use this prior to creating a table for it to 
be effective.
  5. Prepare/bind/step/finalize/reset and when to use in success/error 
  6. Thread safety and threaded access. But this has been vastly improved in 
3.5.x series!
  7. Shared cache, appropriate uses?
  Just a start and my .02
"Jay A. Kreibich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 05:40:45PM +0100, Toby Roworth scratched on the wall:
> mikeobe wrote:
> > i found it boring to learn how to use sqlite, maybe we can write a
> > tutorial for it, with examples, it will be much easier for the
> > beginner to start with sqlite.
> Agreed - I had to learn from the 5 minute introduction (which I was 
> later told was a poor way of doing it), and then by using the reference, 
> which leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to having little 
> knowledge of SQLite - and it's still giving me trouble now!

What are we looking for? A 60 minute introduction?

Any thoughts on specific topics, or is the main thing just
covering the basics of the API in vanilla situations?

I have a great deal of interest in this area, and would love to hear
from anyone that has thoughts, ideas, or comments. I would
especially like to hear if there is a specific area or concept that
confused folks when they were learning SQLite.

SQLite tends to get used by a lot of people that have a stronger
background in software development than in databases, so I would
expect there to be some confusion about "database things" like table
design and complex query commands. Solid introductory materials need
to take that into account, but we need to gather some more
information on precisely what that difference means.

This is a bit off-topic for the mailing list, so please feel free
to send stuff directly to the address below.


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y @ K R E I B I.C H >

"'People who live in bamboo houses should not throw pandas.' Jesus said that."
- "The Ninja", www.AskANinja.com, "Special Delivery 10: Pop!Tech 2006"
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