
There is a very strange problem when I play with the sqlite-ce database.

I put the database file and my application program together in the same folder. 
I call sqlite3_open(), the database can be opened properly. I call 
sqlite3_step(), it return SQLITE_ROW, that means it found the record in the 

However, if I put the database file in the other disk, the problem occurred. I 
call sqlite3_open(), the database can still be opened properly. However, I call 
sqlite3_step(), it return SQLITE_DONE, that means it cannot found the record in 
the database. 

Actually, the database file is exactly same, only different is the store place. 
I wonder whether it is limitation for sqlite-Wince? 

Any comment? Thanks! Code is as follows:

        sqlite3 *db;
        char *zErrMsg = 0;
        int rc, length;
        char *sqlcmd;
        sqlite3_stmt * stat;
        TCHAR MsgChar[ 256 ], MsgTmpChar[ 256 ];

//       * Put in the same folder, it works properly. *
//      rc = sqlite3_open( "initprint.db", &db);
//       * Put in the different folder, it cannot work properly. * 
        rc = sqlite3_open( "\\FlashDisk\\System\\initprint.db", &db);
        if( rc )
                return false;

        sqlcmd = sqlite3_mprintf( "SELECT * FROM PRINT WHERE TAGTYPE=%d AND 
BARCODE='%s';", intTagType, chrBarCode );
        rc = sqlite3_prepare( db, sqlcmd, -1, &stat, 0 );
        if( rc != SQLITE_OK )
                mbstowcs( MsgTmpChar, sqlite3_errmsg( db ), strlen( 
sqlite3_errmsg( db ) ) );
                wsprintf( MsgChar, _T( "SQL error: %s\n" ), MsgTmpChar );

                MessageBox( MsgChar, _T( "Error Info" ), MB_OK );

                sqlite3_free( sqlcmd );
                return false;

        rc = sqlite3_step( stat );                                      
        if( rc != SQLITE_ROW )
                mbstowcs( MsgTmpChar, sqlite3_errmsg( db ), strlen( 
sqlite3_errmsg( db ) ) );
                wsprintf( MsgChar, _T( "SQL error: %s\n" ), MsgTmpChar );

                MessageBox( MsgChar, _T( "Error Info" ), MB_OK );

                sqlite3_free( sqlcmd );
                return false;
                const void *printdata = sqlite3_column_blob( stat, 2 );
                length = sqlite3_column_bytes( stat, 2 );
                memcpy( buffer, printdata, length );
                buffer[ length ] = 0x00;
                *len = length;

        rc = sqlite3_finalize( stat );
        if( rc != SQLITE_OK )
                mbstowcs( MsgTmpChar, sqlite3_errmsg( db ), strlen( 
sqlite3_errmsg( db ) ) );
                wsprintf( MsgChar, _T( "SQL error: %s\n" ), MsgTmpChar );

                MessageBox( MsgChar, _T( "Error Info" ), MB_OK );

                sqlite3_free( sqlcmd );
                return false;

        sqlite3_free( sqlcmd );
        return true;



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