On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 10:27 AM, Beverly Seavey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Beverly Seavey wrote:
>> I have tried to import  data  from a file  in the same directory. I
>> have tried leaving out the  primary ley
>> value in the file, giving the complete path of the text file, quoting
>> the text file,  explicitly changing the separator...
>> I can type in a record just fine. Why can't I get .import to work?
>> hornbill% 10:43>cat testD.txt
>> 1|11|10|10|29|1|1
>> 2|10|11|11|39|2|1
>> 3|10|11|11|30|3|1
>> 4|11|11|11|17|4|1
>> 5|11|11|11|23|5|1
>> .
>> .
>> hornbill% 10:43>od -c testD.txt | more
>> 0000000   1   |   1   1   |   1   0   |   1   0   |   2   9   |   1   |
>> 0000020   1  \n   2   |   1   0   |   1   1   |   1   1   |   3   9   |
>> 0000040   2   |   1  \n
>> hornbill% 10:45>sqlite interactions.db
>> SQLite version 2.8.17
>> Enter ".help" for instructions
>> sqlite> select * from sqlite_master;
>> table|HMMpair|HMMpair|9|create table HMMpair (HMMpairID INTEGER
>>                     DnumStages INTEGER,
>>          LnumStages INTEGER,
>>         seed       INTEGER,
>>        numTrees   INTEGER,
>>         numLeaves  INTEGER,
>>        paramSet   INTEGER)
>> sqlite> .import testD.txt HMMpair
>> unknown command or invalid arguments:  "import". Enter ".help" for help
>> .
>> I'm new to the list, so I'm probably wrong, but try sqlite3 instead of sqlite
>> >/ hornbill% 10:45>sqlite3 interactions.db   <--- Note the 3
>> /
>> I don't think 2.8 has import.
> This is odd. As you noticed the pormpt is 2.8, but the file I downloaded
> from the webpage
> shows up in my directory as
> hornbill% 12:26>ls
> mine.db  sqlite3-3.5.8.bin

Try entering sqlite3 at your prompt.

On my system (Debian Lenny):

$ which sqlite
$ which sqlite3
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