On Tue, 13 May 2008, Darren Duncan wrote:

> Email lists have several important advantages over typical web boards, as I
> see it:
> 1.  All the discussion details come to my email box that I regularly
> check, so I can be aware of and respond to things quickly if I choose.  By
> contrast with a web board, I'd have to go out of my way to remember to
> periodically check in with the board to see if anything interesting came
> up, and often I would forget to do so.  This all said, it is very useful
> to see web archives of the email lists to browse.


   If I may recast the above to a simpler form, we can say that with mail
lists the information is pushed to you. With web-based fora you have to
explicitly go there and pull the information to you.

   For many of us who are very busy and subscribe to a number of pertinent
mail lists, it's much more efficient to have the messages come in and be
sorted into the appropriate file by procmail recipes than it is to
explicitly visit each web site, log onto the forum, then go look for
messages of interest.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.               |  Integrity            Credibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.        |            Innovation
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