On May 13, 2008, at 6:21 PM, David Barrett wrote:

> True, but even an application would need to "undo" in transactions,  
> I'd
> think.  Like, if a user drags a widget from column A to B, it  
> generates
> an INSERT in one column and a DELETE in another.  Pressing Undo once
> would leave it in both columns, which is probably unexpected.

And undo/redo mechanism typically groups actions together by user  
input event.  The application is typically event driven.  It sits idle  
waiting for a user event, such as a mouse click.  That event might  
trigger a cascade of related events, some of which involve database  
changes.  All database changes associated with that one event are  
undone together.  You know that you have reached the end of your event  
cascade when the event loop goes idle again.

For processing gestures (drags, and other inputs that involve multiple  
events spread out over time) you acquire a lock or a "grab" at the  
beginning of the gesture, hold it throughout the gesture, then release  
it when the gesture completes.  You do not finish the undo package  
until the end of the gesture.  So the complete rule for when you stop  
one undoable entry and start a new one is: you are idle (no pending  
events) and you are not holding a grab.

D. Richard Hipp

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