Yes, I completely agree.  But a single "undoable event" generates 
multiple changes to the database (which might as well be done inside a 
single transaction).  Thus one click on Undo results in multiple changes 
to undo the event (ie, undoing the entire event's transaction).  This 
implies that somehow the undo log either:

- Tags multiple rows in the undo log as comprising a single event, or
- Accumulates multiple queries into a single row in the undo log

I really liked the elegance of using triggers to automatically create 
the undo log, but I don't see how to accomplish either of the above 
strategies (tagging a group of undo rows, or concatenating multiple 
undos into a single row) in that design without some manual legwork.

So my question was whether there is some "COMMIT_COUNT()" SQL function 
or constant that represents "the number of committed transactions on 
this database", as then I could just stick that in the trigger query and 
insert it along with the undo query into the undo log as follows:


Then multiple INSERTs in a single transaction would generate multiple 
DELETEs in the undolog, all tagged with the same commit count.  Later, I 
could look up the set of queries necessary to undo that transaction with:

        SELECT sql FROM undolog WHERE commitcount=XXX;

The upshot is I could roll back one transaction at a time, all the way 
back to the beginning (or as far as the undo log goes).

But lacking a COMMIT_COUNT() function, I might instead just create a 
simple table:

        CREATE TABLE commitcount(num)

And then increment that at the start of each transaction:

        UPDATE commitcount SET num=(SELECT num FROM commitcount)+1;

And then my trigger could be something like:

        INSERT INTO undolog VALUES(NULL,(SELECT num FROM commitcount),'DELETE 
FROM ex1 WHERE rowid='||new.rowid);

This'll do the same thing, but requires a subquery, an extra table, and 
manual incrementing of the commit count.  Works, but is yucky.

Another way might be to create a table that just keeps track of which 
range in the undolog corresponds to which distinct undoable event (aka 
transaction)... Perhaps a bit cleaner, but still not great.

Anyway, I was just curious if the COMMIT_COUNT() function existed, 
because then it'd be really clean and easy.  But it sounds it doesn't, 
and that's what I wanted to know.  Thanks!


D. Richard Hipp wrote:
> On May 13, 2008, at 6:21 PM, David Barrett wrote:
>> True, but even an application would need to "undo" in transactions,  
>> I'd
>> think.  Like, if a user drags a widget from column A to B, it  
>> generates
>> an INSERT in one column and a DELETE in another.  Pressing Undo once
>> would leave it in both columns, which is probably unexpected.
> And undo/redo mechanism typically groups actions together by user  
> input event.  The application is typically event driven.  It sits idle  
> waiting for a user event, such as a mouse click.  That event might  
> trigger a cascade of related events, some of which involve database  
> changes.  All database changes associated with that one event are  
> undone together.  You know that you have reached the end of your event  
> cascade when the event loop goes idle again.
> For processing gestures (drags, and other inputs that involve multiple  
> events spread out over time) you acquire a lock or a "grab" at the  
> beginning of the gesture, hold it throughout the gesture, then release  
> it when the gesture completes.  You do not finish the undo package  
> until the end of the gesture.  So the complete rule for when you stop  
> one undoable entry and start a new one is: you are idle (no pending  
> events) and you are not holding a grab.
> D. Richard Hipp
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