On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 04:44:10PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] scratched on the 
> Sorry if this is a silly question - I don't have much experience with  
> databases.
> Say I have a table with many (millions+) of rows and I have a query:
> SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE some_condition ORDER BY rowid
> First, I'm assuming that in addition to whatever time some_condition  
> takes, I'll see an overhead of O( N log N ) for the sort in the worst  
> case, but probably much less (O(N) or O(1)?) because it's probably be  
> sorted anyway by rowid.  Is that correct?

  If "some_condition" doesn't trigger the use of another index, then
  yes... the table will be scanned sequentially by rowid, so after the
  condition is assessed there shouldn't be any sorting overhead.

  If some_condition causes the use of a different index, then the
  sorting will be post-processed and the sort costs will be higher--
  but your conditional costs might be much lower.

  Which is better depends a lot on the percentage of total rows
  returned.  If you have a large table, but only return a dozen or so
  rows, you want to make the condition efficient.  If you're returning
  20% of the table, you want to sort to be cheap.

> My real question is if there is an efficient way to index the results  
> of such a query.  In other words, I'm looking for rows N through N+100  
> of the result.  Can I do much better than just executing the query and  
> throwing away the first N rows?  I thought of making an auxiliary  
> table to map rowid in the table with row number of the query for large  
> chunks of the table, but that can get to be a big memory footprint if  
> some_condition changes often.

  If you scan things in order-- e.g. 1-100, 101-200, etc. just remember
  the row id of the last item in the last results set and add a "rowid >
  [last]" condition to the next query.  Use a limit clause to define
  the size of your window.  The big thing is that you'd like to avoid
  using an OFFSET.

  Have a look here for more ideas:


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

"'People who live in bamboo houses should not throw pandas.' Jesus said that."
   - "The Ninja", www.AskANinja.com, "Special Delivery 10: Pop!Tech 2006"
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