Nobody? Did I make myself clear or do you need more (or maybe less!) 

> To:
> Date: Sat, 17 May 2008 16:41:49 +0200
> Subject: [sqlite] Indexing virtual tables
> Hi! Here is what I'm still trying to achieve:
> - I have a custom file format having "records" and file offsets.
> - Each record in that custom file format has the same number of fields, but 
> the records itself are variable length, that's why I need a file offset to 
> quickly locate a record. One other way (if you can wait for a very long 
> time...) is to walk sequentially the records list to get the desired record.
> - I've implemented a working SQLite "virtual table" in order to be able to 
> read and query my custom file format through SQLite.
> - Now, basically what I'd like would be to "CREATE INDEX" on a field of my 
> virtual table to take advantage of it in the xBestIndex callback. But the 
> documentation says that we cannot use "CREATE INDEX" on virtual tables.
> Let's say the data in the field "F1" of my virtual table "VFILE", and the 
> file offsets are the following:
> F1 fileoffset
> ----------------------
> a 10
> b 21
> z 34
> x 45
> a 51
> x 69
> z 73
> a 88
> x 94
> I want to index the column F1, to be able to have a quick response to queries 
> like:
> select * from VFILE where F1='x'
> At this point, I think I have only 3 possible strategies:
> 1. Use SQLite tables to "fake" a standard index using SQLite tables
> 2. Use internal SQLite B-Tree routines to implement my index 
> (sqlite3BtreeCreateTable and stuff)
> 3. Implement my own B-Tree and sort algorithms to achieve this, externally to 
> SQLite
> Strategy 3 is precisely what I'm trying to avoid (too much work and testing 
> :-) ).
> Strategy 2 is strongly discouraged by DRH.
> Then strategy 1 seems to be (like you've just said) the only way to go:
> a) Duplicate the data to be indexed (and the file offsets to use)
> create table INDEX1_SORT as select F1, fileoffset from VFILE order by F1, 
> fileoffset
> INDEX1_SORT: physical table
> F1 fileoffset
> ----------------------
> a 10
> a 51
> a 88
> b 21
> x 45
> x 69
> x 94
> z 34
> z 73
> b) Create an index on that data
> OPTION 1: Use SQLite CREATE INDEX at this point.
> b.1.1) create index on INDEX1_SORT(F1)
> OPTION 2: Fake index with custom tables
> b.2.1) create table INDEX2_SUM as select F1, min(INDEX1_SORT.rowid) as 
> 'minrow', max(INDEX1_SORT.rowid) as 'maxrow' from INDEX1_SORT group by F1
> INDEX2_SUM: physical table
> F1 minrow maxrow
> ---------------------------------------
> a 1 3
> b 4 4
> x 5 7
> z 8 9
> b.2.2) create index on INDEX_2_SUM(F1)
> *********************************************************************
> Usage for option 2:
> - Use INDEX2_SUM to fetch the requested value in the initial query (select * 
> from VFILE where F1='x')
> - Get data from table INDEX1_SORT between rowid "minrow" (5) and "maxrow" (7)
> - For each line, use the given file offset to locate the real data in the 
> custom file format file.
> - Read 3 records at fileoffet = 45,69,94 and return them to SQLite.
> I really feel like all this is not very optimal.
> What is the best strategy to achieve optimal speed and needed storage?
> Am I missing a trivial point?
> Thank you for any help on that!
> Aladdin
>> Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 15:37:22 -0700
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Indexing virtual tables
>> I'm not quite clear on your question - why wouldn't you just create
>> any indices you need within the virtual-table implementation itself?
>> Sort of like how fts uses SQLite tables to implement data-storage for
>> the full-text index.
>> -scott
>> On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 10:13 AM, Aladdin Lampé wrote:
>>> Just thinking again about indexing strategies on virtual tables, I'm 
>>> wondering why virtual tables could not be indexed using the "normal" SQLite 
>>> command "INDEX". Indeed, I just expected that the data inside the column of 
>>> the virtual table could be sequentially scanned (using the "xColumn" 
>>> callback), producing the same result as if it were a real table. Is that 
>>> way of seeing things flawed?
>>> Any hook allowing to use SQLite internal indexing techniques for virtual 
>>> tables? Maybe using direct b-tree manipulation (even if I know it's not 
>>> recommended)? I'm not very keen on developing my own from stratch. Dealing 
>>> with "big" tables that don't fit into memory does not seem so easy because 
>>> I'll have to use a temporary disk file...
>>> Some help would be greatly appreciated!
>>> Aladdin
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