Sqlite is a nicely structured C program which will always be better than 
C++.  Nice, clean easy to read and well documented C fits in everywhere.

Dennis Cote wrote:
> Rajesh Nair wrote:
>> Is there any program to develop sqlite in C++.
> See http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=SqliteWrappers for a selection 
> of C++ wrappers.
> I would suggest trying CppSQlite since it is a thin wrapper with source 
> available for free.
>> I have developed a C++ wrapper for sqlite3.x but if sqlite3 itself is 
>> developed in C++ then it could be more readable.
> I'm fairly certain that's not going to happen. Great effort has been put 
> into keeping SQLite's source clean C code with no C++ isms.
> C is still the lingua franca of the computing world, and probably will 
> be for quite some time. The fact that SQLite is written in C, which 
> almost any language can interface with, and not C++ is a large part of 
> the reason that so many different language wrappers have been written.
> Most C++ compilers can be told to compile a source file as C rather than 
> C++ to avoid extraneous errors.
>> I know C, but not a hardcore C programmer.....And is working with VC++ for 
>> last 6 years (MFC and ATL) .
> You don't need to program in C to use SQLite. There are wrappers for 
> most languages and many frameworks.
> Dennis Cote
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