Thanks Dennis,
I get the gist of it.

I am getting duplicate records though using insert or replace.
I was using update before.

>From the TOP.

When my script loads it does the following fine.
//Open static database.
es_xsql open stats_static |zmstats
//Open memory database.
es_xsql open stats_memory ":memory:"
//Attach memory database to static.
es_xsql query stats_static "ATTACH ':memory:' as stats_memory;"
//Create table in stats_static attached memory database.
es_xsql query stats_static "CREATE TABLE stats_memory.stats (rank int(6),
steamid varchar(25), playername varchar(80), zkills int(6), hkills int(6),
deaths int(6), degrade int(6), prounds int(6), lastvisit int(20), points

When my script unloads it does the following fine.
//unload all
es_xsql query stats_static "DROP TABLE stats_memory.stats;"
es_xsql query stats_static "DETACH stats_memory"
es_xsql close stats_memory
es_xsql close stats_static

As the players play on the server the fields in stats_memory.stats are
updated with kills and deaths etc.
After the map finishes my script needs to update the stats_static stats
table with the records in stats_memory.stats, but instead of updating the
records it creates new records.

The unique thing about each row is the steamid of the player both in
stats_static stats and stats_memory.stats. This is specific to the players
I need these records to update or replace the existing record in
stats_static stats table with the corresponding record in stats_memory.stats
or if the records doesn't exist, it needs to insert a new record.

This is the query that I believe is causing me the problem.

//Update stats_static stats table with records from stats_memory.stats
es_xsql query stats_static "INSERT OR REPLACE into main.stats select * from

I believe the problem is with the sql statement part as follows.

INSERT OR REPLACE into main.stats select * from stats_memory.stats;

This should somehow using the steamid field in both tables as a way to
choose if it should insert or replace.
If the steamid from stats_memory.stats isn't in stats_static stats table
then it should insert.
If the steamid from stats_memory.stats is in stats_static stats table then
it should replace or update it.

I hope this is a better explanation than before.

Many thanks for all your help so far.



Dennis Cote wrote:
> Pejayuk wrote:
>> I still can't get this to work.
>> Can someone help please.
>> :working:
>> Pejayuk wrote:
>>> That is fantastic Igor.
>>> Thankyou.
>>> All I need to do now is work out how to get an update query to use a
>>> select query to update the records from stats_memory to stats_static
>>> after
>>> doing the link.
>>> I think google may be able to help me with that.
>>> Thankyou for your time.
>>> =)
>>> EDIT:
>>> I have just had a look around google. I think the following is what I
>>> need
>>> to do but would like to know if someone can confirm I have this correct.
>>> I have the static_stats database and :memory: database open.
>>> I then attach as follows.
>>> ATTACH ':memory:' as db1;
>>> ATTACH 'stats_static' as db2;
>>> I then update the records in stats_static stats as follows from the
>>> :memory: stats table.
>>> INSERT OR REPLACE INTO db2.stats (rank, steamid, playername, zkills,
>>> hkills, deaths, degrade, prounds, lastvisit, points) SELECT rank,
>>> steamid,
>>> playername, zkills, hkills, deaths, degrade, prounds, lastvisit, points
>>> from db1.stats
>>> I then detach the databases as follows.
>>> DETACH 'stats_static'
>>> DETACH ':memory:' 
>>> a) Would the insert or replace query as shown above, update the
>>> stats_static database with the fields from :memory: ?.
>>> b) After the detach command, would both the databases still be open as
>>> they were before the attach command?.
>>> Many thanks in advance.
>>> EDIT2:
>>> Another thought.
>>> If I executed the following querys on the stats_static database.
>>> ATTACH ':memory:' as db1;
>>> INSERT OR REPLACE INTO stats SELECT rank, steamid, playername, zkills,
>>> hkills, deaths, degrade, prounds, lastvisit, points from db1.stats
>>> DETACH ':memory:'
>>> Does that give me what I want.
>>> Think this is more what I should be doing.
>>> Can someone please confirm.
>>> Sorry for all the edits.
> You would be better served if you took a little more time to format your 
> questions so they are clear to the reader. Rambling edits and pasting 
> content as quotations doesn't help.
> You need to open your permanent database as you normally would and then 
> execute an SQL attach command to attach the memory database. I'm don't 
> know the syntax for your eventscripts language, but if you can execute 
> queries this would be much the same.
>    es_xsql open stats_static |zmstats
>    stats_static.execute "ATTACH ':memory:' as stats_temp"
>    stats_static.execute "create table stats_temp.stats (...)"
> Now copy data from the permanent database to the temp or vice versa. 
> Note, "main" is the implicit name of the database that was opened as 
> stats_static (i.e. by a call to sqlite3_open() by your eventscripts).
>    stats_static.execute "INSERT into stats_temp.stats select * from 
> main.stats"
> Once the temp data is loaded it can be manipulated using normal SQL 
> commands and the table name "stats_temp.stats".
> When it is time to save the temp data simply copy it back.
>    stats_static.execute "INSERT OR REPLACE into main.stats select * from 
> stats_temp.stats"
> Now you can detach the memory database and close the permanent database.
>    stats_static.execute "DETACH stats_temp"
>    es_xsql close stats_static
> I'm doing a lot of reading between the lines, but I hope you get the 
> gist of it.
> Dennis Cote
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