Thankyou Dennis.

You have been a fantastic help.
I will be sure to put credits in my script to you all.

I am hoping to release this ranking system after its run for a month or so.
Eventscripts is free and so are the scripts that get released.

I am sure a lot of Counter Strike Source game server admins will love the
speed SQLite had given this ranking system.


Thanks again.

Dennis Cote wrote:
> Pejayuk wrote:
>> Thanks Dennis,
>> I get the gist of it.
>> I am getting duplicate records though using insert or replace.
>> I was using update before.
>>>From the TOP.
>> When my script loads it does the following fine.
>> //Open static database.
>> es_xsql open stats_static |zmstats
>> //Open memory database.
>> es_xsql open stats_memory ":memory:"
> There is no need to open the memory database. SQLite will implicitly 
> open the memory database when you attach to it. In fact your 
> stats_memory database is a second independent memory database which is 
> unused by the rest of your processing.
>> //Attach memory database to static.
>> es_xsql query stats_static "ATTACH ':memory:' as stats_memory;"
>> //Create table in stats_static attached memory database.
>> es_xsql query stats_static "CREATE TABLE stats_memory.stats (rank int(6),
>> steamid varchar(25), playername varchar(80), zkills int(6), hkills
>> int(6),
>> deaths int(6), degrade int(6), prounds int(6), lastvisit int(20), points
>> NUMERIC(12));"
>> When my script unloads it does the following fine.
>> //unload all
>> es_xsql query stats_static "DROP TABLE stats_memory.stats;"
> There is no need to drop tables in memory databases. They simply 
> disappear when the memory is released.
>> es_xsql query stats_static "DETACH stats_memory"
>> es_xsql close stats_memory
> Also, no need to close the memory database. It will be close 
> automatically when it is detached.
>> es_xsql close stats_static
>> As the players play on the server the fields in stats_memory.stats are
>> updated with kills and deaths etc.
>> After the map finishes my script needs to update the stats_static stats
>> table with the records in stats_memory.stats, but instead of updating the
>> records it creates new records.
>> The unique thing about each row is the steamid of the player both in
>> stats_static stats and stats_memory.stats. This is specific to the
>> players
>> account.
> Then this should be the primary key in both tables. Try this instead.
>      CREATE TABLE stats_memory.stats (
>        rank int(6),
>        steamid varchar(25) primary key,
>        playername varchar(80),
>        zkills int(6),
>        hkills int(6),
>        deaths int(6),
>        degrade int(6),
>        prounds int(6),
>        lastvisit int(20),
>        points NUMERIC(12)
>      );
>> I need these records to update or replace the existing record in
>> stats_static stats table with the corresponding record in
>> stats_memory.stats
>> or if the records doesn't exist, it needs to insert a new record.
> When doing and INSERT OR REPLACE, the record is replaced if the primary 
> key already exists in the table, otherwise it does an insert with the 
> new primary key.
>> This is the query that I believe is causing me the problem.
>> //Update stats_static stats table with records from stats_memory.stats
>> table.
>> es_xsql query stats_static "INSERT OR REPLACE into main.stats select *
>> from
>> stats_memory.stats;"
>> I believe the problem is with the sql statement part as follows.
>> INSERT OR REPLACE into main.stats select * from stats_memory.stats;
>> This should somehow using the steamid field in both tables as a way to
>> choose if it should insert or replace.
>> If the steamid from stats_memory.stats isn't in stats_static stats table
>> then it should insert.
>> If the steamid from stats_memory.stats is in stats_static stats table
>> then
>> it should replace or update it.
> This will all happen automatically if you make steamid the primary key 
> because a primary key must be unique in each record of a table, and the 
> replace option happens when a new record would violate a uniqueness 
> constraint. See and 
> for additional details.
>> I hope this is a better explanation than before.
> Much clearer. :-)
> Dennis Cote
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