I've enabled the thread-safe option, and compiled sqlite3.5.9 against 
tcl8.5.3, also PDO in PHP 5.2.5, and used it in web sites both with PHP, 
and Tcl/Rivet under Apache 1.3.41.  Sqlite seems to consistently choke 
either in rivet, or under PHP with a similar problem:

        Fatal error 'Recurse on a private mutex.' at line 988 in file
        /usr/src/lib/libpthread/thread/thr_mutex.c (errno = 9)
        Abort (core dumped)

My apache logs are full of these messages ... and I get the same thing 
when I run under tcl manually ...

I configured sqlite3.5.9 with --enable-threadsafe 
--with-tcl=/usr/local/lib [the path containing the current tclConfig.sh 
file], and did a normal compile/install which was uneventful (though I had 
to copy the libtclsqlit* libraries out of the .libs directory to 
/usr/local/lib by hand, as the make install did not do this for me).

Has anyone seen sqlite tilt in this manner before?  Am I missing 
something?  I will work on a minimum tcl/php script to cause the problem, 
but surely this cannot be a completely isolated problem, as sqlite is 
everywhere, isnt' it 8-)?


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