Getting "logic error or bad data" when using largw data strings:

I create the database as follows:
    create table Event( Key TEXT[unique], DateTime DATE, Event TEXT, PRIMARY
KEY (Key) )

I add records to the database as follows:
    insert or replace into Event values( 'strKey', '07/25/2008 08:00:00',
'data string' )

And I query the database as follows:
    SELECT * FROM [Event]  WHERE    ([Event] LIKE "*foo*" AND [Event] LIKE
"*bar*") AND    [Date/Time] BETWEEN DateAdd("n",-5,Now()) AND Now()

The query works fine when my inserted data strings are small, like < 256

However, I get 'logic error' on the query if my data strings are largere,
like 2048 bytes.

Can someone explain what I need to do to support larger data strings?

(using C++ under Win/XP and amalgom version of sqlite compiled directly in
the app)

Thanks in advance.
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