I realize that there is a lot written on this subject, and that it's a 
popular way of using SQLite, but I'm having trouble finding any 
documentation or tutorials that really explain the nuts and bolts. It 
doesn't help that I'm still fairly new to C++ programming.

What I want to do is create a file format for software-based music 
synthesizers, samplers, and effects (all open source [GPL2] on Linux). 
The idea is for all of those types of programs to be able to use the 
same file type (the same schema, in this case). I found a tutorial on 
how to do this (load a db into memory and use attach and detach to load 
and save) for tcl, but it doesn't help me much for C++.

The basic idea is:

1) An object of the class Preset will have the functions to load a 
database into memory, and save it out again.
2) There will be separate classes, which I'll call feature classes, that 
will manipulate only their own parts of the in-memory database. These 
will be for things like synth/effect parameters, sample layout info, 
undo, and metadata and tags.

I'm thinking that means I need a pointer to the database in memory that 
can be passed onto the "feature" objects. Then loading and saving the 
whole thing would become simple function calls to the Preset object.

Is there anywhere I can read up on how to do stuff like this in C++? 
Thank you very much for your time and allowing me to ramble.

Darren Landrum
sqlite-users mailing list

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