Thomas Sailer wrote:
> Interestingly, the original query is extremely compute-bound, there is
> almost no disk activity!
> Looking at the output opcodes from the queries, I can't see any
> significant difference. Though I have to admit I'm by far no expert in
> vmdb opcodes...

You can use "explain query plan <statement>" to get some clues as to 
what is happening, but the vdbe code shows it best.

The original query is doing a full table scan through all 2.6 million 
records in the main table, and for each record it uses the rtree to 
locate the 20 records inside the rectangle set by your limits, then it 
compares the id of each of these records to see if it matches the id of 
the main table record. For each match it dumps all the data in both 

The second query use the rtree index to locate the 20 records in the 
limit rectangle, and then uses the btree index to locate those 20 
records quickly, and then dumps the data for that record.

Dennis Cote
sqlite-users mailing list

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