[Sorry for the blast from the past.]

I think this class of problem does also happen on fts, there was a
thread on August 7 on sqlite-dev about it.  Unfortunately, I don't see
any open-access web-mirrors of that list to refer to, but here's a
members-only ref:

AFAICT, when you have a join where one table has a good index, the
virtual table cannot signal that it has an even better index.  I could
not follow the index-selection logic well enough to have any
suggestions how to improve things.  In the fts case, this breaks the
query because the MATCH operator _only_ works when used to access the


On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Hartwig Wiesmann
> Am 18.08.2008 um 21:32 schrieb Dennis Cote:
>> Thomas Sailer wrote:
>>> Interestingly, the original query is extremely compute-bound, there
>>> is
>>> almost no disk activity!
>>> Looking at the output opcodes from the queries, I can't see any
>>> significant difference. Though I have to admit I'm by far no expert
>>> in
>>> vmdb opcodes...
>> You can use "explain query plan <statement>" to get some clues as to
>> what is happening, but the vdbe code shows it best.
>> The original query is doing a full table scan through all 2.6 million
>> records in the main table, and for each record it uses the rtree to
>> locate the 20 records inside the rectangle set by your limits, then it
>> compares the id of each of these records to see if it matches the id
>> of
>> the main table record. For each match it dumps all the data in both
>> records.
>> The second query use the rtree index to locate the 20 records in the
>> limit rectangle, and then uses the btree index to locate those 20
>> records quickly, and then dumps the data for that record.
>> HTH
>> Dennis Cote
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> Hello,
> I had an identical experience a few days ago and posted it under a
> different topic. Because SQLite is not doing well as mentioned in the
> example of the documentation I suggest to change the documentation
> using the proposed solution. I also had to find it out the hard way
> and I think by modifying the documentation there are at least a few
> people less who have to go that way.
> BTW: I suppose the same problem occurs when using fts?
> Hartwig
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