Lothar Behrens wrote:
> I have added this function right after sqlite3_step, that does the  
> prepared insert statement.
>      int nReturn = sqlite3_step((sqlite3_stmt*)(*start));
>         int autocommit = sqlite3_get_autocommit(m_pDatabase);
>         if (autocommit == 0) {
>               wxLogError(_("Warning: Database is not in autocommit mode.\n"));
>         }
> autocommit is always 1. Also I have thested the following:
> Open the application and opening the form to display first row -> no  
> jornal file is opened, because no write is yet done.
> Adding some rows and navigating forward and backbackward -> jornal  
> file is opened and I can see my data in the application.

The fact that a journal file exists at this point implies that you are 
still in a transaction. If you close the database without committing 
this transaction, the changes that you can see in your application will 
be rolled back and lost (see H12019 at 

Can you add a function to check the auto commit status in your main line 
code (i.e. where you are navigating and viewing the data)?

Dennis Cote
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