I've searched and searched but haven't found anything that really answers
this question. If I've missed something, please point me in the right

I want to put the "right" type of timestamp in my dbase.  According to my
research, the "right" type is like this:
- create table my_table(date_stuff real);

And for "right" way to store the dates, when I do inserts I should do the
equiv of this:
- insert into my_table values(julianday('now'));

However, due to database locking issues, I need to do a bunch of inserts in
one transaction or batch.  Thus, I store them in a simple queue.  Therefore,
the julianday('now') won't work because all of my batch inserts will have
the same date and time.  And that doesn't work very well. ;)
I need a python equivalent of the Sqlite julianday.  It seemed so simple of
a question.  But I won't kid you that I'm just a little bit confused by the
python representations of date and time. Can someone point me to what I

Thank you!
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