On 9/22/08, BareFeet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Right, does sound easy. But what if I am on a Mac (which I am), but
>  > don't want network shares support (which I don't, well, not because I
>  > have anything against it, but I just don't need it) in case it comes
>  > with some side-effects?
> Well, when you're using the SQLite that shipped on your Mac (or newer
>  version that shipped as part of your latest Mac OS X upgrade), then
>  network shares support is already enabled by default. If you manually
>  compile a newer version of SQLite, then network share support will
>  suddenly disappear. This is inconsistent.

I never use any system provided software for my own creations (well,
not never, but mostly never). One, I can't depend on its ingredients;
two, I can depend on whether it will remain as i expect it to or not
in a subsequent upgrade; and three, it will always be a few versions
behind the most current version usually available from the developer.

I have Leopard 10.5.5 and the /usr/bin/sqlite3 (the factory installed
version) is 3.4.0. I compile my own, both libsqlite as well as
DBD::SQLite (it takes a few clicks of the mouse and builds
painlessly), and am at 3.6.2.

If you are using network shares as provided by the system sqlite, that
capability shouldn't suddenly disappear at all unless you have made
the huge mistake of writing over the factory installation (always
install your own stuff under /usr/local/)

>  The inconsistency also spreads to make some GUI apps support network
>  share support (those that use Mac OS X's built in library or are smart
>  enough to have "fixed" the omission in their included  SQLite source
>  code), while others don't (such as those powered by the Zentus JDBC
>  which uses the default SQLite source code settings).
>  Of course, if you want to disable network share support for some
>  reason in your own compile, you'd be free to override the flag.

My sense is that most users don't want network share support, hence it
is not default. For the relatively few that do want, it exists as an

>  >
>  Thanks,
>  Tom
>  BareFeet
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