Hi to all,
I have a table with many record, that have a field normally with value '0'.
Occasionally i update some records by setting the field to '1' to mark 
it, and after in a background job, i localized them for working on it. 
For that, i have an index on that field.
My problem: if i run an "analyze" when all records have the field equal 
to '0', the localization (select .. where field != 0) don't use the 
index, and do a full-table-scan.
If at least one record is set to '1', the index are used.

It's seem that "analyze" discover that all records have same field 
value, so mark the index "useless".

Solutions that i know:
- run "analyze" after updating to '1' some records. :(
- maintain at least one fake record with '1' :(
- never launch "analyze" :(

Or... (please help!)
- exists some options to control this behiavour of analyze?
- it's possible to force the use of the index?

Thanks for feedback!

-- Test case:

-- Creating test table
  code    int NOT NULL,
  mark    int NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (code)

-- Creating an index
CREATE INDEX os_test_index_mark ON os_test (mark);

-- Filling with some data
insert into os_test values ('a',0);
insert into os_test values ('b',0);
insert into os_test values ('c',0);

-- Testing indexes
explain query plan
select code from os_test where mark == 1

-- Result:   "TABLE os_test WITH INDEX os_test_index_mark"
-- Right.

-- Launch "analyze"

-- Re-Testing indexes
explain query plan
select code from os_test where mark == 1

-- Result:   "TABLE os_test"
-- Wrong.

-- Updating one record
update os_test set mark=1 where code='a'

-- Re-Testing indexes
explain query plan
select code from os_test where mark == 1

-- Result:   "TABLE os_test"
-- Wrong.

-- Re-Analyze

-- Re-Testing indexes
explain query plan
select code from os_test where mark == 1

-- Result:   "TABLE os_test WITH INDEX os_test_index_mark"
-- Right.

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