On 11/15/08, Craig Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am addicted to using INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT as the id
>  fields in my SQLite projects, yet I would like to try some triggers as
>  well.  Of course, every time I add a trigger that accesses a table
>  with  these types of id fields, all sorts of odd things happen.

Do you mind specifying what are the "odd things" that happen?

I have used TRIGGERs on tables with INTEGER PRIMARY KEY and have had
no odd things happen at all.

>  I
>  read in the documentation about simply using PRIMARY KEY instead of
>  INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, but then I lose my AUTOINCREMENT ability.
>  Does anyone have a solution that both provides AUTOINCREMENT (or a
>  reasonable facsimile) to a PRIMARY KEY field and allows the usage of
>  triggers on those tables?

INTEGER PRIMARY KEY provides the autoincrement facily... it is just an
alias for the internal ROWID which can also be accessed via the
keywords ROWID, _ROWID_ or OID.

On the other hand, if you add the keyword AUTOINCREMENT to INTEGER
PRIMARY KEY, a subtle different takes place --

with just INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, if a row is deleted, its PRIMARY KEY
can be reused. On the other hand, with the AUTOINCREMENT keyword,
every new PRIMARY KEY is Max(PRIMARY KEY) + 1.

Other than that, there is no interference with TRIGGER behaviors. If
you have experienced any, why don't you detail them here.

>  Thank you very much.
>  Craig Smith
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