On Nov 22, 2008, at 6:51 AM, phillipm wrote:

> tiggyboo wrote:
>> I created and populated a table via sqlite3 on a Mac OSX machine,  
>> and have
>> no problem working with it  from the sqlite3 prompt.  However, when  
>> I try
>> to access the sole table (named cftable) in this database via a very
>> simple Adobe AIR application I'm working on, I get this error:
>> Error #3115: SQL Error.', details:'no such table: cftable'
>> My question - would this be typical of a version conflict for sqlite,
>> i.e., is the latest release of AIR perhaps using an embedded sqlite  
>> that
>> is not compatible with what I have (3.1.3) on my machine?  I have   
>> yet to
>> determine which version is embedded in AIR.

SQLite is fully backwards compatible and mostly forwards compatible.   
By backwards compatible, we mean that the latest version of SQLite  
will read and write any database file going back to version 3.0.0.   
Forwards compatible means that SQLite version 3.0.0 will read and  
write database files created with the most recent version of SQLite.   
SQLite is 100% backwards compatible and it is forwards compatible  
provided that the recent database file does not make use of features  
that were added since 3.0.0.  Simple database files are very likely to  
be forwards compatible.

The version of SQLite used in AIR has been modified to support  
additional datatypes, I am told.  I am also told that these  
modifications are fully compatible at the file-format level, but I  
have not been briefed on the details of the modification and so I  
cannot comment on them directly.  Perhaps the modifications in AIR  
exploit features of SQLite that have been added recently and hence  
only work with newer versions of SQLite.  Or perhaps the modifications  
are such that a public-domain version of SQLite will read and write a  
database created by AIR but AIR will not read or write a database  
created using the public-domain version of SQLite.

To determine a version of SQLite you can run:

        SELECT sqlite_version();

If you upgrade to Leopard you will get SQLite version 3.4.0 native to  
your OS. (The leopard upgrade is worth doing for many reasons  
unrelated to SQLite, in my opinion.)  Or you can download the latest  
SQLite shell precompiled for MacOSX x86 from the SQLite website and  
use that.

D. Richard Hipp

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