from the message (missing cftable) one can conclude that AIR is looking 
for ColdFusion database, not SQLite one;
So, some settings in (probably) FLEX has to be adjusted.


phillipm wrote:
> tiggyboo wrote:
>> I created and populated a table via sqlite3 on a Mac OSX machine, and have
>> no problem working with it  from the sqlite3 prompt.  However, when I try
>> to access the sole table (named cftable) in this database via a very
>> simple Adobe AIR application I'm working on, I get this error:
>> Error #3115: SQL Error.', details:'no such table: cftable'
>> My question - would this be typical of a version conflict for sqlite,
>> i.e., is the latest release of AIR perhaps using an embedded sqlite that
>> is not compatible with what I have (3.1.3) on my machine?  I have  yet to
>> determine which version is embedded in AIR.
>> Thanks,
>> Al
> Just wondering if you resolved this issue - I'm experiencing the same
> situation. Very simple project, small database in the project folder?????
> Any help appreciated, thanks
> Phil
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