> Hi All!
>   I have created a table in sqlite.Upto my knowledge a column which is
> declared as primary key will not accept null and even if I don't give any
> value to that field an error occurs that violating the constraint
> For Example
> Create table emp(empno integer PRIMARY KEY,...,...)
> .         Even if I give u a NULL as a value to the field that is declared
> as primary key .it is accepting
> .         Even if I Don't give any value to the field that is declared as
> primary key it is auto incrementing. Instead of showing the error 
> constraint violated it is  auto increment that field value(I did not specify 
> the 
> column to auto increment).


If you don't want the magical autoincrement feature try defining your 
table using an alternate syntax:

        create table emp (
                empno integer not null,
                primary key (empno)
        ) ;

Rob Sciuk
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