On Dec 1, 2008, at 6:49 PM, Stephen Abbamonte wrote:

> I just tried this line also and the journal files are still being  
> created
> here is the code I am running:
>        int32_t ret = sqlite3_open(filename, m_DatabaseRef);
>         if( ret == SQLITE_OK )
>        {
>               sqlite3_stmt*  sqlStmt = NULL;  
>               ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(m_DatabaseRef, s_ "PRAGMA
> main.journal_mode = OFF;", -1, &sqlStmt, NULL);
>               if( ret == SQLITE_OK )
>               {
>                       sqlite3_step(sqlStmt);
>                       const unsigned char* colValue =
> sqlite3_column_text(sqlStmt, 0);  <----- returns "off"
>                       sqlite3_finalize(sqlStmt);
>               }
>         }
> Anything wrong with the way I am doing this?
> Thanks for the help.

I originally thought "maybe we introduced a bug and broke  
journal_mode".  But I tried it myself and everything works correctly.   
And the regression tests for journal_mode=OFF are running.  So I do  
not have any idea what you are doing wrong.  Everything is working  
great here.

D. Richard Hipp

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