On Jan 12, 2009, at 10:53 AM, John Efstathiades wrote:

> Hello,
> I am looking into porting the latest SQLite to an embedded platform  
> running
> a commercial real-time operating system. I'd like to use as much of  
> the
> existing regression test code as possible to ensure the port is  
> correct but
> unfortunately the target environment does not have Tcl.
> The host environment is Windows and we will have a host-target link  
> (via
> serial or telnet) to a CLI (a port of sqlite3) on the target. At  
> present I
> am thinking about writing scripts that send SQL over the serial link  
> and
> capture the response.
> Can anyone suggest a testing approach that would allow us to make  
> use of the
> existing regression test code without having Tcl on the target system?
> Should I give serious consideration to porting Tcl just to run the
> regression tests?

One approach taken by many companies is to trust that the workstation- 
based TCL tests correctly validate SQLite and don't worry so much  
about doing complete testing on the target.  Just write a few simple  
sanity checks to make sure that it was compiled correctly and make due  
with that.

Another approach is to port TCL to your target platform.  Depending on  
your platform, this might be a small or a huge task.

The third approach is the TH3 test suite for SQLite described at 
.  This third way is, alas, not a free option, but it is available to  
you if are using SQLite in an embedded mission-critical application  
and are uncomfortable  with either of the other two options above.

D. Richard Hipp

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