On 1/26/09, Mike McGonagle <mjm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
>  I have never used Blobs before, and in reading some of the literature,
>  I am just a bit confused. From what I am understanding, I get the
>  impression that a Blob is no more than the binary data from a disk
>  file, stored as a string of bytes in a field of the database.
>  Basically, I am trying to write some multimedia stuff, and as such,
>  was thinking that I need to write some "filters" that access specific
>  types of data (a wav file, or a MIDI file, or etc.). If this is the
>  case, it almost sounds like it would be better to store the filename
>  for the data, and then let the system take care of reading the
>  particular format of the data.

If you have a lot of tiny images, especially if the images can be
smaller than a page size in the db, then storing them in the db would
be very efficient. If you have very large images then storing their
path in the db, and keeping the images on the fs would be better.

If you do keep your images on the file system, you will have to devise
some method for naming and storing them... they will have to have a
uniquely accessible path, and dumping them all in one folder will slow
down access after a few hundred, perhaps a few thousand. In the db, on
the other hand, you can just store the images in a separate table and
assign them a primary key, then join them to your main attributes

For most applications, it may not matter much, but when you are
dealing with either very large size images, or very large number of
images then one or the other system might be more suitable.
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