Bejay Bamboo wrote:
> Hello,
> i'm trying to load new SQL functions from a shared library with the
> help of the SQLite Java
> Wrapper/JDBC Driver ( I'm trying
> java -cp :. -Djava.library.path=/tmp/javasqlite-20090213/.libs
> SQLite.Shell db "select
> load_extension('/tmp/spatialite-2.2-linux-x86-libs/lib/')"
> I get the following SQL Error:
> SQL Error: SQLite.Exception: not authorized
> Same error in the small test program
> ( i ve added the
> following line:
> db.exec("select
> load_extension('/tmp/spatialite-2.2-linux-x86-libs/lib/')",new
> test());
> The following statements are fully working  in sqlite:
> sqlite> select 
> load_extension('/tmp/spatialite-2.2-linux-x86-libs/lib/');
> sqlite> .load /tmp/spatialite-2.2-linux-x86-libs/lib/
> Did I misunderstood something? Did i trying something which is not
> provided by the SQLite Java
> Wrapper/JDBC Driver?

In order to enable loading an extension the SQLite API
sqlite_enable_load_extension() must be called but there's
currently no method to call it from Java code for 
security reasons.

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