> I'm wondering on which statement your first thread returns busy as 
> well. both are waiting to get a transaction acquired? Or is the first 
> thread waiting for the commit?

Both are waiting to start a transaction.

> Maybe you can post some code or a little extraction of what you are 
> doing? When I started with sqlite and threads I can recall some 
> similar problems but all of them where related to my programming 
> (bugs) and by posting parts of my implementation here usually enables 
> the sqlite friends to help.

Yes, after digging through the code some more today, I believe that
there's a possibility that one thread starts a transaction and another
thread tries to end a transaction on a different database handle (but
same database file). I will try to clean that up, as that's probably the
most likely cause of this problem (and it doesn't feel healthy to do
that anyway). If that doesn't help me, I'll try to come up with some
sensible code segments replicating the problem, as the production code
is way too large to make sense of :)

But just to clear things - I cannot start a transaction on the database
file in one connection and end that transaction in another connection,
can I?



P.S. It seems I sent another reply directly to you - sorry about that :)

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