On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 12:31:00PM -0700, Noah Hart scratched on the wall:

> Rather my point is that it would be of benefit if SQLite would have
> some built in mechanism for a rule-based collation.

  SQLite *does* have a mechanism for "rule-based" or any-other based
  collations:  User defined collations.  They work the exact same way
  built-in collations work.  The API is simple and straight forward.
  If you want to show the SQLite community this is a Good Idea, there
  is one simple, easy, fast solution: stop writing posts and start
  writing code.

  I also don't buy the black and white argument that this needs to go
  into the core or it isn't worth doing.  FTS wasn't in the core
  distribution for ages.  Neither was the ICU stuff.  They still aren't
  on by default...  Yet plenty of people were able to do great work with
  it and -- most importantly -- prove their stability, worth, and
  limitations so that they were accepted by the community and integrated
  into the core distribution.
  The truth is dynamic modules work on just about every major platform
  and are trivial to write.  Nearly anything that will allow you to
  execute a raw SQL command will let you attach a module.  If you don't
  like modules, a custom version of SQLite or a SQLite DLL/so/dylib
  is trivial to compile.  Even if your gee-wiz 3D GUI editor might not
  work out of the box, that's not the point.  No matter how strongly
  anyone feels about this, there is a flat zero chance of it going into
  the core distribution until someone writes some code.
  Get the code working, be able to show that it works and has worth,
  then come talk.  Even if you believe it must be in the core, you
  still need working code.  So let's see some.

  We can sit here and argue and bicker until the cows come home, or
  someone can sit down, write some code and show/prove that the
  extension is (or isn't!) useful and productive.  But until someone
  produces working code, all we have is a lot of hot air on **both**
  sides of the table.

  To quote the Internet Engineering Task Force:

  "We reject: Kings, Presidents, and voting.
   We believe in: rough consensus and running code."

  Show us the code.


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

"Our opponent is an alien starship packed with atomic bombs.  We have
 a protractor."   "I'll go home and see if I can scrounge up a ruler
 and a piece of string."  --from Anathem by Neal Stephenson
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