2009/3/27 Francois Botha <igitur+sql...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I noticed that there is unnecessary line breaks in the .dump output,
> specifically \n characters, (not full \r\n 's).
> To illustrate this
> Put this in a loop (say about a 100) times:
> sqlite3.exe MyDB.s3db .dump > MyDB.sql
> del MyDB.s3db
> sqlite3.exe -init MyDB.sql MyDB.s3db .quit
> With each loop, the MyDB.sql file's size increases, although the structure
> and contents of the .s3db remains exactly the same.
> I'm using the command line client of Sqlite v3.6.11 on Windows XP.
> Can anyone confirm whether this is a bug or stupidity on my side?
> regards,
> Francois Botha

Hi Francois,

I cannot reproduce your reported problem.

Using XP:

C:\>sqlite3 t.db
SQLite version 3.6.11
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> create table t( id integer primary key );
sqlite> drop table t;
sqlite> create table t( id integer primary key, data text );
sqlite> insert into t( data ) values( '1' );
sqlite> insert into t( data ) values( '2' );
sqlite> insert into t( data ) values( '3' );
sqlite> insert into t( data ) values( '4' );
sqlite> insert into t( data ) values( '5' );
sqlite> .q

C:\>copy con t.sql
sqlite3 t.db .dump > t.sql
del t.db
sqlite3 -init t.sql t.db .quit
        1 file(s) copied.

!! execute batch file

C:\>sqlite3 t.db .dump  1>t.sql

C:\>del t.db

C:\>sqlite3 -init t.sql t.db .quit
-- Loading resources from t.sql

C:\>xd t.sql > t1.dmp                                          !!
create hex dump file

!! execute batch file

C:\>sqlite3 t.db .dump  1>t.sql

C:\>del t.db

C:\>sqlite3 -init t.sql t.db .quit
-- Loading resources from t.sql

C:\>xd t.sql > t2.dmp                                          !!
create dump file

C:\>diff t1.dmp t2.dmp

No differences found.

See if you get same problem using data above.
If not, then your data is relevant to the issue.
If yes, then your sqlite is not the same as mine.

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