Hello List,

I have a slightly dissapointing issue here with the
update/insert speed of sqlite3 on win32 using
On my system a single INSERT statement needs
appx. 150ms, the same is the case for DELETE statements.
I test this by doing single INSERTs in a loop.
Of course, the speed increases dramatically when I do this
test loop encapsulated by a transaction: In this case
the overall time is approximately the same as for the
single INSERT plus a little overhead of appx. 50ms for 200

So the question is:
Is it somehow normal to have only 7 transactions per second?
The (old) Speed comparison from sqlite pages talks about
a insert speed of appx 13ms per insert.

The database is currently rather small: 490kb

I also made a little test and just copy the database file using
CopyFile("TestDB.DB", "CopyDB.DB", FALSE);

This takes 15ms... by far less than sqlite needs for a single
insert statement. This might not be fair because I don't
know if the win32 function flushes the file before returning
but it is suprising anyhow.

Any comment on this ?

I also have two indexes on the table where I insert
the test data, if that might be of importance ?

thank you

Marcus Grimm

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