On 31 May 2009, at 9:24pm, Jay A. Kreibich wrote:

> The whole point of a transaction is that once it
>  returns "success" on a commit, it is committed to permanent storage,
>  no matter what -- including crashes, power failures, and other major
>  problems.

My impression is that COMMIT/ROLLBACK is for data integrity: don't  
update the account balance if the transaction didn't work.  That sort  
of stuff.  Not to deal with hardware failure.

I think that these days your computer can never know when things that  
reached permanent storage.  Permanent storage is too far away, behind  
too many levels of caching for the CPU to ever know about it.  Your  
CPU may be virtual.  Your storage medium may be virtual: a disk image,  
a RAID controller, emulated hardware, or something like that.  If you  
talk to a hard disk by IDE it will be using onboard caching and not  
admitting it to the motherboard (most of them do this these days).

Unless you're going to disable caching all the way down the line from  
CPU to physical hard disk, you're never going to get any real idea of  
what the hardware's doing.  And if you did that it would low things  
down too much anyway.  Cached writes do a really good job of speeding  
things up.

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