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Jim Wilcoxson wrote:
> I did some checking on the pysqlite mailing list.  Apparently the
> change to reset all cursors before commit is recent, and the reason is
> that pysqlite or sqlite itself would return bogus rows.

It is pysqlite returning the bogus rows, and again entirely due to
pysqlite doing transaction management behind the scenes.  Use whatever
isolation level means it stops doing that, accept things the way they
are, or use APSW.

> Returning old or new data would be one thing, but in this example,
> totally wrong data is returned.  There's no explanation of why it was
> happening.

Long boring section:

The data is "totally wrong" in the sense that outstanding cursors would
still return data from before rollbacks.  It won't return random rubbish
from thin air.  Duplication arises because of how cursors are
implemented behind the scenes.  They have to be both greedy and passive.
 The statement is initially prepared using sqlite3_prepare but nothing
happens till sqlite3_step is called which will execute the statement to
completion (eg if it was "create table foo(x)") or till a row is
returned (eg if it was "select * from foo").  Calling next()/using the
cursor as an iterator will call sqlite3_step to get the next row (being
passive) but you don't want the user to have to call next() for "create
table foo(x)" to be executed so the initial execute is greedy in case
the statement executes to completion.  The cursor has internal state
tracking (entirely within pysqlite or APSW for that matter) as to
whether it is fresh (ie just prepared/in the statement cache), done
initial execution, sitting at rows, row consumed, exhausted etc with
various calls/being used as an iterator adjusting that state.  Depending
on the interaction between pysqlite behind your back transaction
management, iteration, state of the cursors and possibly a bug or too,
you could get the same row appear to be returned twice as well as a
result row ignoring rollbacks.  I don't see how something like that
could happen with commit, but then again I wrote my interface layer so
that it works the way SQLite does and does not try to fight SQLite :-)

Look at
http://oss.itsystementwicklung.de/trac/pysqlite/browser/src/cursor.c for
the pysqlite code.  That file is the second largest in the source to
give you an idea of the complexity (the same is true for APSW).

BTW there is even more complexity than I described.  The cursor
execution also has to take into account bindings sequences such as when
executemany was called.  pysqlite chickened out and won't execute
multiple statements (eg cursor.execute("do one thing;do another").  It
does have executescript that will execute them all, but that ignores any
returned data!

This page gives you some idea of the differences between a wrapper that
follows DBAPI and pretends SQLite does too (ie pysqlite) and a wrapper
that slavishly follows how SQLite works even if that is different to
other databases (ie APSW):


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