On Jul 7, 2009, at 1:56 AM, Andy Froncioni wrote:

>> On Jul 6, 2009, at 11:08 PM, Andy Froncioni wrote:
>>> I know I'm probably doing something wrong, but I can't seem to get
>>> a simple UPDATE...LIMIT query working.
>>> sqlite> UPDATE customers SET lock=1 WHERE lock!=1 LIMIT 10;
>>> SQL error: near "LIMIT": syntax error
>>> I have compiled sqlite3 with the following configure options:
>>> And, yes, I'm sure I'm executing the freshly-compiled sqlite3, and
>>> not
>>> the system-installed version.  :-)
>> You will need to build from the source tarball (the one with the
>> unsupported configure script), not the amalgamation package for
>> this to work.
> Do you know if it's possible to convert an amalgamation package so  
> that
> it supports compile options?   I'm trying to get the perl module
> DBD:SQLite
> to compile and include RTREE and UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT.
> Any ideas?   I tried putting a
> into sqlite3.h, but that didn't work.  :(

The makefiles in the full source tarball support a target "sqlite3.c".
Build this target with SQLITE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT defined. Then use
the resulting sqlite3.c file in the perl DBD build.

You will need to specify SQLITE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT when compiling
the special sqlite3.c as part of the DBD build as well.


> Thanks,
> Andy
> Andy Froncioni
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> My other signature is a pun.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> a.fronci...@sympatico.ca
> (514) 829-0255
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