Eureka! I tried the latest version of sqlite3.exe, and I verified that
both the VACUUM and the access when the file is being copied no longer
monopolize physical memory.

I dug up your "Vista frustrations" thread, and I agree that this seems
to be bad behavior on part of the cache manager. If a process opens a
file using FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS, then it (or any other concurrent
process) that happens to access sequentially can grind the system to a
halt. Sounds like a nightmare for any install running an AVS or

Thanks for your help!

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 5:15 PM, Robert Simpson<> wrote:
> I believe the issue was resolved in this ticket:
> You're being bitten by Vista and Win2008's aggressive cacheing of the
> database.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Mark Spiegel
> Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 2:02 PM
> To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Repost: Accessing a DB while copying it causes Windows
> to eat virtual memory
> Stan Bielski wrote:
>> Hello again,
>> Copying the database with Explorer and accessing it via sqlite is just
>> a contrived example that exhibits the same problem I'm having in my
>> application. The app does make a copy of the DB, but it has app-layer
>> locking that will prevent modifications unless someone decides to
>> start fiddling with the DB outside of my software (in which case I
>> have bigger problems). The app is multi-threaded, and a thread other
>> than the copying thread may attempt to open the DB and read from it
>> while the copy is occurring.
>> My contrived example aside, I just discovered that issuing the VACUUM
>> command on the same 20 GB DB in sqlite3 causes similar memory issues,
>> even when another process is not accessing the database file.
>> sqlite3.exe has a peak working set of 40 MB in Task Manager, but
>> Resource Monitor reports 99% Used Physical Memory (of 4 GB). If it
>> were all buffer cache, I'd expect that simply copying the file would
>> result in the same amount of memory being used, but it doesn't. I'm
>> going to head to a Windows forum to try to find out more about what's
>> happening, but the list users may want to be aware of this if they
>> plan on using large sqlite DBs with Windows 2008.
>> Thanks,
>> -Stan
> Maybe.
> First, forget what I said about mapping the file.  That didn't make
> sense just minutes after I hit the send button.  I was a few cups of
> coffee shy of fully awake.
> I just haven't done enough work with Win 2008 yet to be able to say with
> certainty what is going on.  However, here are a couple more things to
> consider.  First, it used to be in windows that the amount of address
> space (and RAM) that could be used for various things was fixed.  This
> is no longer the case.  What you _may_ be seeing is that in trying to
> help, Windows is allocating as much address space (and RAM) as it can to
> the cache manager.  The file is not opened for unbuffered access so NTFS
> is going to try to use the cache manager on the file.  I don't know if
> any of the user mode tools will tell you this.  If you have a kernel
> debugger attached to the machine in this state, the "!VM" command
> _might_ shed light on how much address space is allocated for what.
> Second, it occurred to me that in the nominal copy case where you don't
> see a lot of RAM being consumed, explorer, knowing that it is just
> sequentially copying a file, may have it opened for unbuffered access
> for both source and destination.  This would bypass the cache manager
> completely.  I've implemented copy this way in the past to prevent some
> of the adverse effects of large copies on the system, but I have no idea
> if explorer would use this technique.  The downside is that for files
> already in use, copy can be a bit slower.  You can find out with filemon.
> Wish I could offer more in the way of a solution...
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