I have 4 servers, all with 4 cores.  This is to handle a volume of 10-20 
million orders per day.

Most of the work load (~90%) is unrelated to the database.  In fact, I added 
the database just to allow me to offload orders out of memory when they look 
done so that the app doesn't run out of memory.  It is a 32-bit app, so it 
typically dies when it hits ~2.5 gig.  Moving to a 64-bit app was not an option.

In approx .2% of the orders, I guess wrong, and have to read the order back in 
from the db to process additional activity.  I could remove indices to improve 
write performance, however the hit on read performance might outweigh the gain. 
 Since the processing is supposed to be in near-realtime, the delay in that 
case might be excessive.  Still, it may be worth trying that.

I am using begin/commit around the writes since each order can require between 
1 and 5 writes.

Ken made a suggestion that I create separate db's for each thread.  Since the 
threads don't share data, that approach would work for me, and eliminate all 
contention.  Each db would have the same schema, of course.


-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Slavin [mailto:slav...@hearsay.demon.co.uk]
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 5:12 PM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: Re: [sqlite] multi-thread access to a db

On 8 Jul 2009, at 9:28pm, Rizzuto, Raymond wrote:

> If I remove the locking_mode=exclusive, I don't get those errors.
> I'd appreciate any advice on how I can get the best performance
> using multiple threads in my application, given that:
> 1.  I need maximum performance.

Spend at least five grand on a fast water-cooled box.  Use a version
of Unix/Linux compiled without support for anything you don't need,
like printing.  Create your database file on a RAM disk.  Write your
application as a command-line app, and don't run the GUI.

> That is also why I need multiple threads

May not help if they're all constantly accessing the database.  In
fact contention for access can slow the process down: you have seven
threads, five of which are perpetually blocked.  There's no one-size-
fits-all solution to fast database access, it depends on the patterns
of when data is available for writing, and how important the order the
data was available is when you read.  Sometimes you pile up all your
data to be written into a text file, and another process (on a
different computer ?!) works through the text file and does the writing.

> 2.  All threads need to write to the same db
> 3.  No other application needs access to the db
> 4.  I don't care about durability, just fast insert times since
> reads are much less frequent.

Use BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT properly.  This may be more important
than multi-threading.  It has a huge result.

If reads are /really/ rare, it might be worth removing all indices on
your database, and only creating an index just before you need to
read, or even just executing the SELECT without any indices.


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