> Well, based on what others wrote about your initial comments, I suggest
> that you replace XP with a linux distribution. Then you can compile that
> source code all by yourself. On the other hand, if you insist on sticking
> with Microsoft, download one of the pre-built Winduhs .zip files as I
> indicated in my previous message.

SQlite compiles just fine on windows XP.  You just need tools to do it, which 
unlike linux, don't automatically come with the OS.  So there is most likely a 
teaching opportunity here, though admittedly the OP does not appear to be in a 
teachable frame of mind.

I think the OP just has the wrong expectations.  SQlite is not a windows 
application you install like MS Word or Firefox.  It is a code library that you 
embed into other code.  It is possible to use it in a 'stand alone' manner by 
using the command line utility, but I'm 99% sure this will not meet the OP's 
expectations either.

Also, I for one would appreciate it if in the future you avoid making the 
sweeping generalization that "Winduhs" users are dummies or lemmings.  I'm sure 
others would agree.


Ron Wilson, Engineering Project Lead
(o) 434.455.6453, (m) 434.851.1612, www.harris.com

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