caution: this thread has a very high probability of veering into the
subjective and the incoherent, and veer far away from SQLite,

from the recent thread on "what is a relation," I followed Jay's
suggestion and started reading up on relational division (an article
by Celko at
That led me to reading up more on CJ Date, to an interview of Date at which
led me to Fabian Pascal's

I came back less than overwhelmed. I found a lot of ranting on DB
Debunk generally converging toward, "if you need to ask questions
about SQL then you are an idiot and need to go back to the drawing
board and read up some good, dry, humorless books" (I am
paraphrasing). Most of it was bashing some poor woman named Dawn
Wolthuis and even calling Celko an idiot.

I have no doubt that Date is a big man in SQL history. I am not so
sure about Fabian Pascal's pedigree other than that he was an
associate of Date and Codd. Nevertheless, I am not quite taken by
their penchant to bandy the "idiot" label so liberally. I spent a
couple of hours on website, which is horrible to read in
its attractiveness and design, and frankly came back not very
informed... for most things it seemed to offer a, "go back, read up,
get a degree, then come and ask questions" kind of attitude. I am none
the wiser about multivalue databases, trees, or n-normal form.

Give me Dennis Cote, Roger Binns, Kees Nuyt, and Jay Kreibich any
day... or, just give me Igor Tantednik... over these other SQL "gods"
(gods spelled in lowercase).

What gives?

Puneet Kishor
Carbon Model
Charter Member, Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Science Commons Fellow,
Nelson Institute, UW-Madison
Assertions are politics; backing up assertions with evidence is science
Sent from Madison, WI, United States
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