Roger Binns wrote:
> Sebastian Arcus wrote:
>> The SQLite documentation talks about entire database locks by operations 
>> of the order of milliseconds - 10 seconds seems a long way off. 
> There is a possible but unlikely cause for what you are seeing.  In order to
> ensure the database and/or journal are fully on disk, SQLite calls the fsync
> system call on the relevant file handle.
> Due to the internals of the way the ext3 filesystem is written, an fsync
> call actually turns into a sync call which means the fsync does not return
> until all outstanding data on that filesystem has been written to disk.  If
> you have a slow disk (your laptop most likely does) plus lots of outstanding
> data then 10 seconds is quite possible, especially if "laptop mode" is
> active (increases the periodic background filesystem sync to 5 minutes in
> some cases).  A fun way of showing this is to do a hefty compile as that
> will generate lots of big files quickly.
> I recommend you run "vmstat 1" in a terminal somewhere while doing your
> operations.  Look at the bo/bi columns which show the 1kb blocks being
> read/written from disk per second.  The so/si columns show if any swap
> activity is happening also using a 1kb reporting unit.
Hi and thanks for the suggestion. I did as you advised and ran 'vmstat 
1' in a terminal. Very little activity - maybe 20-40kb every 6-7 seconds 
on the bo - pretty much nothing on bi. Also, zeros all around on so/si. 
I am running a very lightly loaded system - fluxbox as a desktop 
environment - in order to get quite snappy performance from what is 
otherwise not a very fast CPU.

People seem to be talking about operations on tens to hundreds of 
thousands of records, and performance in some circumstances close to 
MySQL - it just seems all very far off from waiting 10 seconds on a 
single UPDATE or INSERT SQL statement. I must be doing something wrong.

P.S. I don't know why my initial post has shown as a reply to another 
poster's topic - apologies - I don't understand why that happened - I've 
sent a new message to the list - not a reply.

> Roger
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