Roger Binns wrote:
> Sebastian Arcus wrote:
>> Hi and thanks for the suggestion. I did as you advised and ran 'vmstat 
>> 1' in a terminal. Very little activity - maybe 20-40kb every 6-7 seconds 
>> on the bo - pretty much nothing on bi. Also, zeros all around on so/si. 
> That rules out disk activity as the cause.  Consequently I would pronounce
> your problem to be caused by whatever layers you have on top of SQLite.
> Another useful tool on Linux is ltrace which shows library calls.  Note
> however that it can't show calls made to libraries loaded via dlopen which
> is usually most of them.
>> People seem to be talking about operations on tens to hundreds of 
>> thousands of records, and performance in some circumstances close to 
>> MySQL - it just seems all very far off from waiting 10 seconds on a 
>> single UPDATE or INSERT SQL statement. I must be doing something wrong.
> It will be the layer above SQLite causing the problem.  Disks are orders of
> magnitude slower than memory.  The performance choke point is having to do
> syncs to ensure data is on disk, but both SQLite and database servers have
> to do that.  SQLite then also benefits from running in the same process as
> whatever is using it, omitting network round trips.  In general the way
> servers win is by dedicating gigabytes of memory to caching but SQLite can
> also a lot if you increase various defaults.
Thanks Roger. I guess then I'm no further with this. I'm starting to 
wonder if the mozStorage library has such a small developer-user base 
(outside the actual Mozilla apps and Firefox/Thunderbird extensions) 
that I shouldn't expect to be able to get to the bottom of the thing. 
The strangest thing is that I remember few years back I've hit an almost 
identical road-block with a Microsoft Access database. After working 
fine for years - after some Windows update - it started taking 3-4 
seconds for one particular UPDATE operation. Never got to the bottom of 
that either :-) I had to include a progress bar on the form, and wait 4 
secs every time when attempting to save the record.

Thanks again for your suggestions.
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