
Thanks for the response, and sorry for not being clear on my work flow.  
Ultimately, I want to access a standard SQLite database "in-memory".  
Starting with a disk-based SQLite database, I can easily replicate it 
into a memory-based database and access it from there.  That's not a 

The issue lies in my starting point.  The persistent storage of my 
SQLite database file isn't as a separate, disk-based file as it would 
normally be.  Instead, it's stored as a stream inside a "container file" 
(an MS "DocFile").  Via C#, I can retrieve the stream that is the SQLite 
database, which ultimately results in the stream being stored in-memory 
as a C# byte array.

Now, in order to get where I want to be (an in-memory SQLite database), 
I currently save the byte array to disk which results in a standard 
disk-based SQLite file.  From there, I can go through the steps 
necessary to open the disk-based file, replicate it to memory, and 
access it as needed.

I was just hoping there might be a way to avoid the process of writing 
the byte-array to disk and instead point SQLite at the byte array that 
*is* the database.  Again, I'd guess this just isn't possible, but 
thought I'd ask.

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