If you have unique index on Customers.SSN in you database then you can
do it in SQLite like this:

(SSN, Street, HouseNo, City)
SELECT SSN, Street, HouseNo, City FROM Moved;


On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Gerald Ebner<geraldo.eb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hm, finally I'm looking for a convenient way to execute update-selects,
> very helpful in doing synchronization between different databases
> is there in SQLite any other way?
> e.g.: there is a SQL-server-proprietary UPDATE FROM syntax, e.g.:
> SET Street  = m.Street,
>    HouseNo = m.HouseNo,
>    City    = m.City
> FROM Customers AS c INNER JOIN Moved AS m
> ON m.SSN = c.SSN;
> is this syntax supported by sqlite ?
> do you know any other convenient way to execute update-selects?
> many thanks in advance
> Geraldo
> Igor Tandetnik wrote:
>> Gerald Ebner <geraldo.eb...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> the given syntax is ANSI sql ("row-value constructors"),
>>> see also the discussion at
>>> http://sqlblog.com/blogs/hugo_kornelis/archive/2008/03/10/lets-deprecate-update-from.aspx
>>> Is it likely that row-value constructors will be implemented in the
>>> (near) future ?
>> I was curious as I've never heard of row-value constructors before. So
>> I've looked at SQL92
>> (http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~shadow/sql/sql1992.txt). The
>> document does define the concept of row value constructor - but does not
>> appear to allow their use in UPDATE statement the way you show:
>>  <update statement: searched> ::=
>>               UPDATE <table name>
>>                 SET <set clause list>
>>                 [ WHERE <search condition> ]
>> <set clause list> ::=
>>               <set clause> [ { <comma> <set clause> }... ]
>> <set clause> ::=
>>               <object column> <equals operator> <update source>
>> <object column> ::= <column name>
>> <update source> ::=
>>                 <value expression>
>>               | <null specification>
>>               | DEFAULT
>> Perhaps this is changed in more recent editions of the standard (which
>> don't seem to be publicly available). If not, your proposed syntax
>> appears to be non-standard after all, cited article notwithstanding.
>> Igor Tandetnik
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