On Sat, 19 Sep 2009 21:57:13 +0100, Simon Slavin
<slav...@hearsay.demon.co.uk> wrote:

>On 19 Sep 2009, at 9:14pm, Darren Duncan wrote:
>> Simon Slavin wrote:
>>> On 18 Sep 2009, at 9:43pm, Noah Hart wrote:
>>>> Stored Procedures
>>> How do those differ from what can be done with triggers ?
>> A stored procedure is an arbitrary-sized named sequence of  
>> statements to
>> execute, which is stored in the database as data (same as table or  
>> view or
>> trigger definitions), and which generally is explicitly invoked as a  
>> statement.
>> A trigger is a stimulus-response rule that says when a particular  
>> event happens
>> then a particular stored procedure is to be executed automatically.   
>> In the
>> general case, this is like an event handler in a typical application  
>> that
>> responds to mouse clicks or network connections or whatever.  Some  
>> DBMSs support
>> this in the more general sense of "do this when this happens" but  
>> most DBMSs
>> that support "triggers" just handler more limited situations, such  
>> as "do this
>> before/after a record is inserted/updated/deleted in this table".
>Ah.  Okay, so in SQLite3 you can emulate stored procedures using  
>triggers.  Just define a trigger to operate on something that doesn't  
>matter to you.  For instance inserting a record in a table that you  
>never bother reading.  Every so often you delete all rows in the table  
>just to keep it from taking up pointless space.

Yes, or UPDATE a VIEW which has an INSTEAD OF trigger
defined for it.
  (  Kees Nuyt
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