On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Nuno Lucas <ntlu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> P Kishor wrote:
>> Sometime back I had asked the following question, and it seems to have
>> gotten Warnocked (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warnock's_Dilemma)
>> So, here it is again -- how can I convert a loadable extension to a
>> permanently loaded extension? A tutorial, por favor.
> I believe you want to look at sqlite3_auto_extension() [1]
> [1] http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/auto_extension.html

from the docs at the above link

"This API can be invoked at program startup ..."

which program startup? Is that something that I have to do manually
every time my "program start(s) up"? If yes, well, then I could simply
load the extension. What I am looking for is how to build the sqlite
library so that a particular extension is baked in, much like FTS3 is
now baked in. That way, I don't have to load the extension. For
example, I use perl for all my sqlite needs. So, I would really want a
specific extension baked into the sqlite that is in turn baked into
the perl DBD. Of course, I would also want the same in my personal
copy of sqlite libs residing under /usr/local so the same
functionality is available to me via the command line client.

>From a long time ago, from when FTS was *not* a part of sqlite, I
remember that it was possible to tinker with Makefile and have FTS be
compiled right into sqlite. That is what I am looking for.

> Regards,
> ~Nuno Lucas
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Puneet Kishor http://www.punkish.org
Carbon Model http://carbonmodel.org
Charter Member, Open Source Geospatial Foundation http://www.osgeo.org
Science Commons Fellow, http://sciencecommons.org/about/whoweare/kishor
Nelson Institute, UW-Madison http://www.nelson.wisc.edu
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