
While your math works, I'm still puzzled as to how you came up with this.

((Month - StartMth)*100 + (Day - StartDay) + 1300) % 1300 <=
 ((EndMth  - StartMth)* 100 + (EndDay - StartDay) + 1300) % 1300

With this...

((Month - StartMth)*100 + (Day - StartDay) + 1300) % 1300

The result will equal 0 if the Start MM/DD equals that of the record tested.
For each day following, the result is some fraction below 1. Each new month
following, the result is still some fraction below 1.

With this...

((EndMth  - StartMth)* 100 + (EndDay - StartDay) + 1300) % 1300

This value is fixed as the reference. The result is also a fraction below 1.

So apparently, this equation is comparing fractional results.

While I can see HOW it would work, what I don't understand is how you came
to this conclusion. Since I'm trying not to be dependent on others
indefinitely to help me solve things like this, it would be appreciated if
you could walk me through the LOGIC as to your conclusion. What was the
thinking process behind this?

Thank you.


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