Tried that. It doesn't work.

For example, when I used 09/01 as my start and 04/01 as my ending, what I
got back was:

1988  1  4
1988  1  5
1988  1  6

Instead of:

1988 9  1
1988 9  2
1989 3  30
1989 3  31
1989 4  1
1989 9  1
1989 9  2
1990 3  31
1990 4  1

Thanks for the suggestion.


#>-----Original Message-----
#>From: [mailto:sqlite-users-
#>] On Behalf Of Pavel Ivanov
#>Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:45 PM
#>To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
#>Subject: Re: [sqlite] Tackling the Date Scan SQL
#>Try to change this:
#>>  "ORDER BY Year, ((Month - " & lngStartMth & ")*100 + (Day - " &
#>> & ") + 1300) % 1300"
#>to this:
#>>  "ORDER BY Year, Month, Day"
#>On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Rick Ratchford
#><> wrote:
#>> With Igor's help, I have this SQL statement that pulls out records based
#>> a start and stop date.
#>> "SELECT Year, Month, Day, Open, High, Low, Close FROM [" & gsTableName &
#>> " & _
#>>  "WHERE ((Month - " & lngStartMth & ")*100 + (Day - " & lngStartDay & ")
#>> 1300) % 1300 <= ((" & _
#>>  lngEndMth - lngStartMth & ") * 100 + (" & lngEndDay - lngStartDay & ")
#>> 1300) % 1300 " & _
#>>  "ORDER BY Year, ((Month - " & lngStartMth & ")*100 + (Day - " &
#>> & ") + 1300) % 1300"
#>> It worked well, except I added the 'Year' to the ORDER BY so that I
#>> get the information in this format:
#>> (Example: 10/1 to 4/1)
#>> 1988 10  01  <data>
#>> 1988 10  02  <data>
#>> ...crossing the end of the year...
#>> ...into the next year...
#>> 1989 03  29  <data>
#>> 1989 03  30  <data>
#>> 1989 03  31  <data>
#>> 1989 04  01  <data>
#>> ...starting the next 10/01 to 04/01 extraction...
#>> 1989 10  01  <data>
#>> 1989 10  02  <data>
#>> ...
#>> ...
#>> ...and so forth.
#>> Problem is that by adding the 'Year' to ORDER BY, while it does in fact
#>> me the above format, it also includes info I don't need. For example,
#>> it started at 10/01 for 1988 and ended the year, it then continued to
#>> within the same 1988 year!
#>> Any suggestions?
#>> Thanks.
#>> Rick
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