Very true Simon,

this has been the fastest way so far and I can do around
350000 selects/second this way, using prepared statements
(on my machine at least), but I need more speed.

That's why I want to skip the SQL processing entirely
and write a C function that reaches directly into the
internal memory structures to gets my record from there.


Simon Slavin schreef:
> On 18 Oct 2009, at 8:37am, Ron Arts wrote:
>> Is there a way to bypass the virtual machine altogether and reach  
>> directly
>> into the btree and just retrieve one record by it's oid (primary  
>> integer key),
>> and return it in a form that would allow taking out the column  
>> values by name?
> The primary integer key column can always be referred to as the  
> special name ROWID, even if you have assigned it a column name of your  
> own.  So you can do
> SELECT ROWID,myCol1,myCol2 FROM myTable
> as long as you don't explicitly declare a primary integer key column  
> and then change the values in it.
> Simon.
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